Welcome to my new homepage!

Picture of Friedrich

My name is Friedrich vom Stein. I'm a special expert for life, the universe, and everything.

You can follow the adventures of my friends and me with the picture of the mouse of the month.

We also have a Youtube channel.

Here you can download the calender for 2024 (6 Mbytes).

If you're confused by all those rodents, you might want to look at the Who is Who of the The Mice.

One of the projects I'm involved in is xfriedrich, which is unfortunately not yet fully released. But there are already some screenshots (actually they are animated gifs):

Research Interest: The search for Mice in the early universe

It is known for quite a while that the Earth is not a planet, but a computer built by a race of hyperintelligent pan-dimensional beings to calculate once and for all the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything, to which the answer is 42. The protrusion of these hyperintelligent pan-dimensional beings into our dimension is usually mistaken as mice. For more information, please refer to The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

However, nearly nothing is known about the time these hyperintelligent pan-dimensional beings entered our universe for the first time, how they looked in this (probably very distant) past, and how they evolved into their current shape. To answer these important questions, we are in the process of carrying out a deep survey to look for traces of these hyperintelligent pan-dimensional beings in the early universe.

A first result is the discovery of NGC 4676, which is also known as "The Mice". Here is a picture of it (from the Digital Sky Survey):

NGC 4676

If you want to contact me, write an E-mail (I decided to put my address on the web in order to see if there are some hot mice out there who want to talk to me right now). You might get a reply from my human interface, since computer manufacturers are still not able to create a really mouse-driven mail interface...
